Author Topic: Richard Gere 's Buddhism  (Read 18240 times)


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Richard Gere 's Buddhism
« on: April 18, 2015, 08:43:33 AM »
Maybe it is refreshing and interesting to hear Buddhism from Richard Gere's perspective:

This is real core of Buddhism. Richard Gere explains how Buddhism is different from Christianity and other beliefs. He explains how “western” the Buddhism is and its basic principles.
Buddhism speaks to you. Its self realization. Buddhism is all about your emotions, thoughts, and actions. You are entirely dependent on you. Richard Gere is aware that you bring yourself in to every situation. “You have ultimate responsibility for your experience. You gotta work on your mind. When you change your mind, the universe change.”


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Re: Richard Gere 's Buddhism
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2015, 08:04:04 AM »
Thanks Ice for this inspiring video, that few things that is very true firstly because of the teaching it change a person to be more kindder like what Richard said he has become less angry, and because of the teaching he is more willing to help others this is something very true about the teaching.

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: Richard Gere 's Buddhism
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2015, 03:20:33 PM »
It is good to have celebrities like Richard Gere sharing Buddhism.  But it would be better if he is not politically inclined then his efforts will be greater.

I heard a rumour that the Dalai Lama may proclaim Richard Gere to be a rinpoche.  I wonder if that will be publicised if it is true.


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Re: Richard Gere 's Buddhism
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2015, 09:33:09 PM »
That's interesting, I have never heard that about Richard Gere being a Rinpoche, but I have heard that Steaven Seagal is one, but choose to be who he is today.

I am not very sure where Richard Gere stands as a Buddhist, but if he understands that much about Buddhism, then I would like to assume that he is practicing... after all, I have never heard him making any sensitive statements that may cause disharmony, and that... I would consider that a wonderful thing, given how the world in such chaos these days


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Re: Richard Gere 's Buddhism
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2015, 09:26:21 AM »
This reminds me of the famous book and documentary "The Secret" and which is full of Buddhistic concepts.

Richard Gere is a well known buddhist and is a follower of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. That makes me wonder what is his stand on the Protector Dorje Shugden.

Nevertheless, his view are Buddhist and I think he is skillful in offering a version of Buddha's teachings suited to the Western culture and that is easy to accept and apply.

I rejoice that he is using his fame to benefit others.


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Re: Richard Gere 's Buddhism
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2015, 10:56:26 AM »
After going through all the 4 parts of Richard Gere's interview with BBC, it is quite certain he is deeply intrigued by Buddhism. At the time of the interview he was already practicing Buddhism for 30 years. Richard elucidated the Dharma very well. He used very little Buddhists jargons . He spoke out of his personal experience. He spoke about himself, his negativities, his weaknesses, his own delusions. Very honest declarations which are hard to make, especially for a person who's personality and demeanour earns him his money. Most others have to hide behind a make believe personality in order to please their fans. To be able to be so honest of one's own weaknesses is in itself liberating ! I rejoice for Richard Gere !


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Re: Richard Gere 's Buddhism
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2015, 12:16:31 PM »
To my understanding everyone could be called a “Rinpoche:- the precious one” when one actions of body, speech and mind was conformed to that of a bodhisattva threading the path. Unlike many of the rich and famous out there who spend their wealth and time indulging in worldly samsaric pleasure or busy collecting more wealth and power, Richard Gere use his this fortunate rebirth in cultivating more positive potential by benefiting those who’re in need. Judging by all his actions, his current social status and success, we could infer that he must have been creating the causes for this positive ripening in his previous lives.
When one does  these continuously with a noble motivation in the eye of others, one will be the precious one, a Rinpoche because not many in this world have enough of merits to sustain such noble deeds and at such scale.


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Re: Richard Gere 's Buddhism
« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2015, 01:07:10 PM »
Is it possible that Richard Gere could be a tulku? In an interview conducted by Melvin MacLeod, the actor said that obviously there was some very clear and definite [karmic] connection with the Tibetans or his life would not have expressed itself this way. He thought that he had always felt that practice was his real life. When he started to practice meditation at the age of 24, he had a very clear feeling that he had always been in meditation, that he had never left meditation. I think Richard Gere is a deeply spiritual person and he can be a good Buddhist teacher if he wants to.

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: Richard Gere 's Buddhism
« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2015, 01:47:59 PM »
Hmmmm... if Richard Gere is to be a Dharma teacher, I would truly rejoice.  As per his interview he explains the Dharma very well and very sincere in his answers.

Let it be possible that Richard Gere will teach the Dharma in 10 directions and benefit many onto the path of spirituality and eventual enlightenment.  The path to liberation.


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Re: Richard Gere 's Buddhism
« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2015, 09:57:06 AM »
Buddhism a about taking charge and not reliance on salvation from a supreme being. It is about being responsible of all your actions, about the law of karma. Everything things is connected and every actions has its consequences.  No one can do something and expect the consequences to be wipe off simply from the salvation of a supreme being and is forgiven.
Buddhism is about living responsibly and awareness of others. Is it the most logical of religion and take no hostage.


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Re: Richard Gere 's Buddhism
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2015, 06:03:41 PM »
What Richard talks about, is really the mother of all Buddhism basics, but yet it is taking the western world by the storm.

The single biggest difference between Buddhism and other religions, is Buddhism stress that we the practitioners need to be responsible for all our experiences, and we need to work on our mind. And as Richard said, there is no creator god who will come down and fix the problem for us.

When I have this mindset, I really come to terms with my past issues and all the current problems which I am facing now.


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Re: Richard Gere 's Buddhism
« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2015, 11:32:30 PM »
When a famous actor such as Richard Gere practices a faith well it will be beneficial for many. Actors have many fans and have much influence on people's mind. In the pursue of fame and wealth one can be consumed and destroyed by them. We have enough of many bad examples. It is refreshing from the likes of Richard Gere.


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Re: Richard Gere 's Buddhism
« Reply #12 on: November 19, 2015, 06:57:11 AM »
Richard Gere is a well known buddhist and is a follower of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. That makes me wonder what is his stand on the Protector Dorje Shugden.

His stand is the stand of an active minion of the evil dalie, and therefore an active Shugden-hater, which thoroughly disqualifies him as a Buddhist.

Nevertheless, his view are Buddhist and I think he is skillful in offering a version of Buddha's teachings suited to the Western culture and that is easy to accept and apply.

Following him, Westerners will easily accept and apply teachings such as how to create schism within he Sangha, and therefore easily go to the appropriate hell in due time.


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Re: Richard Gere 's Buddhism
« Reply #13 on: November 21, 2015, 08:47:16 AM »
What Richard talks about, is really the mother of all Buddhism basics, but yet it is taking the western world by the storm.

The single biggest difference between Buddhism and other religions, is Buddhism stress that we the practitioners need to be responsible for all our experiences, and we need to work on our mind. And as Richard said, there is no creator god who will come down and fix the problem for us.

When I have this mindset, I really come to terms with my past issues and all the current problems which I am facing now.

Many Americans are learning Tibetan Buddhism because the teachings are logical and pragmatic. They apply the teachings to resolve whatever situations they are in and they experience the results. In Christianity, they are taught to pray and have faith in God because whatever hardships they go through are lessons that God wants them to learn. When they are dying of hunger and their children as well, it's difficult to accept this train of thought. Hence, learning to take responsibility and understanding karma, impermanence, changing our perspectives are more constructive and have more tangible results. Learned intelligent and exposed people all prefer this.


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Re: Richard Gere 's Buddhism
« Reply #14 on: November 21, 2015, 08:11:14 PM »
You have ultimate responsibility for your experience.

What he means is that if Shugdenpas face hardship, this is because of their own fault, not because of his guru the evil dalie's persecution, and therefore it's ok to support the evil dalie and his crimes as he does.