Author Topic: Pema Chödrön On Oprah's Super Soul Sunday  (Read 4050 times)


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Pema Chödrön On Oprah's Super Soul Sunday
« on: October 26, 2014, 07:17:22 AM »

Tibetan Buddhism is one of the most popular religions and has become one of the fastest growing religions in the USA. Oprah Winfrey recently interviewed Pema Chodron on why failure is a skill we must learn to do well. Oprah, a wise and very spiritual person, is opened to learning how to further develop her spirituality of selflessness and compassion.

We need more people like Oprah to remind the world on the essence of spiritual development that encompasses and promotes knowledge, kindness, compassion, care, acceptance, giving, and selflessness.

To watch a clip of the interview click below.] [url] [/url]


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Re: Pema Chödrön On Oprah's Super Soul Sunday
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2014, 01:28:39 PM »

What a wisdom and loving presence by Pema Chodron. Her teaching reminds me of the basic goodness of all people and all situations. When we are exposed to wisdom, it provides us with the opportunity to develop deeply. When we recognized our own basic goodness , we are able to recognize it in others. Very beautiful  teaching by Pema Chodron.

Kim Hyun Jae

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Re: Pema Chödrön On Oprah's Super Soul Sunday
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2014, 03:11:23 PM »
Why a failure is a skill we must learn to do well? This is an important lesson. I learned from my guru. We usually end up doing something like a task we are not good (failure) at in a dharma centre but we still have to carry out the work until we become good at it. We usually do what we like due to familiarity and even selectiveness. We choose to do what we select to be right for us and ignore the rest. If we continue this behaviour, the resultant would be a limited mind and limited habituation which will bring unhappiness later in life and become intolerant towards others. This resultant selective mind will be repeated in future lives till its eradicated by purification practice and mind transformation. If not, this selective mind will spiral down towards more negative behavior in future and into the lower realms.


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Re: Pema Chödrön On Oprah's Super Soul Sunday
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2014, 01:44:57 PM »
What a beautiful way of summing the 3 seals of Dharma impermanence, unsatisfactoriness and non-self in one and half minute video clip. It is due to ignorance that we want to take things to be permanence and want them to be how we perceive them should be that makes us ended up in failure. Only by acknowledging and accepting our current situations, we could device out a realistic solution to overcome and transcended it. Hence, that “something new” which is wisdom and skill will arise.