Author Topic: The Way to Rely Upon Dorje Shugden  (Read 9015 times)

negra orquida

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The Way to Rely Upon Dorje Shugden
« on: April 14, 2012, 03:58:21 PM »

There are two ways to rely upon Dorje Shugden: in thought and in deed.

If we recognize that Dorje Shugden is the embodiment of the Three Jewels; if we remember his kindness in protecting and preserving the Buddhadharma; if we recall how he eliminates obstacles and gathers the necessary conditions for Dharma practitioners; and if with deep faith we develop respect for him and hold these special feelings continually, we are relying upon Dorje Shugden in thought.

Silly question here... but how do we know that we are really / properly relying upon Dorje Shugden in thought? How would our mind/ actions change when we are doing this right?

With deep faith and conviction in Dorje Shugden, we can practice his extensive, middling, or condensed sadhana. After completing a close retreat we can engage in peaceful, increasing, controlling and wrathful actions and gradually achieve the supreme attainments.

By engaging in these practices we can protect others by helping them to eliminate their obstacles and develop wisdom, to find the right conditions for practicing Dharma, to fulfil their wishes, and to meet with success in their daily lives. Whenever we engage in any of these deeds with faith we are relying upon Dorje Shugden in deed.

I'm not too sure what this really means.. Does it mean that if we engage in Dorje Shugden practices, we will acquire the wisdom and skills to help people connect with Dharma and make their environments conducive for them to practice Dharma? And doing these things = relying upon Dorje Shugden in deed? It sounds like we would be sort of like "agents" or "mini-me" versions of Dorje Shugden as we would be carrying out what deeds which Dorje Shugden would want to do to help his practitioners (of course minus the enlightened mind).


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Re: The Way to Rely Upon Dorje Shugden
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2012, 05:07:21 PM »
In thought and in deed.

To me, in thought is understanding and constant training of mind of the qualities of Dorje Shugden.  Compassion, how his actions are always for others.  So it works as a reminder to us that we must practice dharma in this way.  Other ways i can think of is while we are doing his practice, through visualization and iconography, how his images and iconography remind us of our ignorant and hatred.  So we must remember his kindness and achieve his qualities.

In deed, to me is to repay his kindness in action.  For example, spreading his practice is one way to benefit people.  So they can get the protection of the three jewels and as well as dharma knowledge.  Oh, like what this website provide is a way to spread Dorje Shugden practice too?  eg social media, distribution of brochures, buy dharmic gifts to your friends and family...  By your mind reminding you of Dorje Shugden, in deed, you'll practice and transform.  To me that's real dharma.


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Re: The Way to Rely Upon Dorje Shugden
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2012, 02:44:20 PM »

I'm not too sure what this really means.. Does it mean that if we engage in Dorje Shugden practices, we will acquire the wisdom and skills to help people connect with Dharma and make their environments conducive for them to practice Dharma? And doing these things = relying upon Dorje Shugden in deed? It sounds like we would be sort of like "agents" or "mini-me" versions of Dorje Shugden as we would be carrying out what deeds which Dorje Shugden would want to do to help his practitioners (of course minus the enlightened mind).

I firmly believe that if we practice Dorje Shugden correctly and with complete dedication, our mind would start to become "agents" and "mini-me" version of Dorje Shugden. I am not ashamed to state that I am convinced of it... that our mind will transform into the same mind as the great dharma protector. In everything we do, the good of the dharma becomes our sub-conscious thought.

Dorje Shugden is unique in that is it not a merely a conceptual Buddha and His practice does not lead to a mere academic and intellectual appreciation of his dharma. We become Dprje Shugden in essence. We become empowered to help those seeking the dharma and we become fearless in our quest for the spread of the dharma.

In other words, Dorje Shugden's practice is real AND PERSONAL and you develop a true relationship with this Buddha and when you propitiate Him, you feel the closeness of this Buddha with you. He is a friend, He is a Father and He is a Mother and he is the only person who will be with you from life to life.

And when you develop this closeness with Dorje Shugden, you do not have to consciously rely on his in thought and in deed...there becomes zero separation. This relationship has to maintained and treasured 24/7.


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Re: The Way to Rely Upon Dorje Shugden
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2012, 04:31:59 PM »
That's an interesting question. I have also often thought about what tangible transformation or change we can see in ourselves when relying upon a Dharma protector practice.

In thought: I think the nature of a Dharma protector is to remove obstacles to our practices, both inner and outer. So he helps us to receive the necessary outward conditions and remove inner doubts, negative patterns of thinking so that we gain more faith in the teachers and a stronger understanding of the teachings. I think this is one of the most powerful ways a Dharmapala helps us. We could have all the most perfect outward conditions to practice, but the one thing that will stop us from doing anything about it is our own inner demons - our laziness or doubt or attachments. The Dharmapala helps to release us of these inner blockages so we become more open to practice, learning and application.

In deed... This automatically leads on if we rely on Dorje Shugden in thought. Once our thoughts and ways of thinking change, our actions will naturally change too. We find ways of helping others, we become more resourceful or more caring, we change our actions and outward behaviour to suit another person and to help them. This results in two things: we are physically and directly able to help someone in a more capable manner, with clearer thinking. And at the same time, by our own change in actions, we inspire other people who will look upon us and feel encouraged to practice or change themselves. So we help them directly and indirectly to bring transformation to their own lives.

What is important to realise is that reliance isn't about just following or relying on something blindly, but understanding the benefit that can arise out of it. You may not understand it in the beginning, but there is also some degree of having faith in your teachers (it begins with the teacher-student relationship) and understanding that a teacher would not give you a practice that would harm you. As you do the practices, you collect more merit and purify and your mind becomes sharper so you can understand. So you switch from just merely following an instruction to developing your own relationship and connection with the yidams and protectors.


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Re: The Way to Rely Upon Dorje Shugden
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2012, 10:22:38 AM »

There are two ways to rely upon Dorje Shugden: in thought and in deed.

If we recognize that Dorje Shugden is the embodiment of the Three Jewels; if we remember his kindness in protecting and preserving the Buddhadharma; if we recall how he eliminates obstacles and gathers the necessary conditions for Dharma practitioners; and if with deep faith we develop respect for him and hold these special feelings continually, we are relying upon Dorje Shugden in thought.

Silly question here... but how do we know that we are really / properly relying upon Dorje Shugden in thought? How would our mind/ actions change when we are doing this right?

With deep faith and conviction in Dorje Shugden, we can practice his extensive, middling, or condensed sadhana. After completing a close retreat we can engage in peaceful, increasing, controlling and wrathful actions and gradually achieve the supreme attainments.

By engaging in these practices we can protect others by helping them to eliminate their obstacles and develop wisdom, to find the right conditions for practicing Dharma, to fulfil their wishes, and to meet with success in their daily lives. Whenever we engage in any of these deeds with faith we are relying upon Dorje Shugden in deed.

I'm not too sure what this really means.. Does it mean that if we engage in Dorje Shugden practices, we will acquire the wisdom and skills to help people connect with Dharma and make their environments conducive for them to practice Dharma? And doing these things = relying upon Dorje Shugden in deed? It sounds like we would be sort of like "agents" or "mini-me" versions of Dorje Shugden as we would be carrying out what deeds which Dorje Shugden would want to do to help his practitioners (of course minus the enlightened mind).

Negra Orquida. By relying on Dorje Shugden in thought we are invoking our Buddha mind by way of having faith in Him and regarding Him as the embodiment of the 3 Jewels. However what is special about this is the the way the reliance is taught. It is very dynamic by recalling how he eliminates obstacles and gather the necessary conditions for Dharma practitioners.

By relying in Him in deed, this dynamism is again repeated. First we engage in retreat and the we can engage in the four actions of peace, increase, control and wrath. By engaging these actions having the motivation of helping others by the elimination of their obstacles and developing wisdom (we are doing the same for ourselves), to find the right condition for their dharma practice; to fulfil their wishes, and to meet with success in their daily lives.
The instruction and the method is so beautiful. By relying on Dorje Shugden with faith and by maintaining our connection with Him and engaging in His actions; we help others to help ourselves to help others. Ultimate Boddhicitta!

Nothing wiser!


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Re: The Way to Rely Upon Dorje Shugden
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2012, 11:02:20 AM »

There are two ways to rely upon Dorje Shugden: in thought and in deed.

If we recognize that Dorje Shugden is the embodiment of the Three Jewels; if we remember his kindness in protecting and preserving the Buddhadharma; if we recall how he eliminates obstacles and gathers the necessary conditions for Dharma practitioners; and if with deep faith we develop respect for him and hold these special feelings continually, we are relying upon Dorje Shugden in thought.

Silly question here... but how do we know that we are really / properly relying upon Dorje Shugden in thought? How would our mind/ actions change when we are doing this right?

With deep faith and conviction in Dorje Shugden, we can practice his extensive, middling, or condensed sadhana. After completing a close retreat we can engage in peaceful, increasing, controlling and wrathful actions and gradually achieve the supreme attainments.

By engaging in these practices we can protect others by helping them to eliminate their obstacles and develop wisdom, to find the right conditions for practicing Dharma, to fulfil their wishes, and to meet with success in their daily lives. Whenever we engage in any of these deeds with faith we are relying upon Dorje Shugden in deed.

I'm not too sure what this really means.. Does it mean that if we engage in Dorje Shugden practices, we will acquire the wisdom and skills to help people connect with Dharma and make their environments conducive for them to practice Dharma? And doing these things = relying upon Dorje Shugden in deed? It sounds like we would be sort of like "agents" or "mini-me" versions of Dorje Shugden as we would be carrying out what deeds which Dorje Shugden would want to do to help his practitioners (of course minus the enlightened mind).

In thought and in deed goes hand in hand when we rely on the three jewels.

I think what it means here is that everything starts with a thought, we must think strongly that Dorje Shugden is one with our lama, by remembering the kindness of our lama and that he would assist us in our spiritual journey, we are also developing strong faith in Dorje Shugden. We need to surrender to our lama, likewise, in thought , we would need to surrender to Dorje Shugden if he is to assist us to remove our inner and outer obstacles.

When our mind sets are stable, by engaging in the retreat practices, we then receive the blessings from Dorje Shugden to be able to have, for instance,  more convincing speech to bring people to be closer to the dharma, in this way, benefitting those in need of help. By doing so, like many have mentioned already, we are becoming closer in body, speech and mind with the divine, Dorje Shugden, one with Manjushri, whose manifestation is to bring benefits to us out of compassion.


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Re: The Way to Rely Upon Dorje Shugden
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2012, 02:13:27 PM »
If we understand the functions of Dorje Shugden,we will understand the benefits of relying upon him.Dorje Shugden always helps,guides and protects pure and faithful practitioners by granting blessings increasing their wisdom,fulfilling our wishes and bestowing success on all our virtuous activities.We must rely upon him constantly over a long period of time,improving our connection with him.He will arrange the conditions that are most condusive for our Dharma practice.He will open the wisdom eyes of his faithful followers,enabling them always to make the right decisions.


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Re: The Way to Rely Upon Dorje Shugden
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2012, 02:49:07 PM »
I think the reliance on Dorje Shugden or any dharma protector is much needed to clear obstacles to make conditions conducive for our dharma practice. However, highly realized masters do not rely on dharma protectors but will instruct them to assist others.

Without the guru, we may not even be introduced to the dharma protector. Without the guru, we may not even be given a yidam practice. Without the guru, we may not even benefit from the dharma. All points to the guru. We should see the guru as being one with the dharma protector and yidam.

If we do not understand and realize the significance and importance of the reliance on the guru, who is the dharma protector and yidam, our spiritual journey may be much more difficult on the down trodden path to liberation. Guru devotion is pivotal. If we do not follow the guru's advice and instruction then we are on the wrong path and that may prove to be dangerous for us. If anyone else aside from my guru were to tell me to stop practicing Dorje Shugden, I would just walk away from that person but not from my guru's advice and instruction.


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Re: The Way to Rely Upon Dorje Shugden
« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2012, 08:47:45 AM »
I think the reliance on Dorje Shugden or any dharma protector is much needed to clear obstacles to make conditions conducive for our dharma practice. However, highly realized masters do not rely on dharma protectors but will instruct them to assist others.

Without the guru, we may not even be introduced to the dharma protector. Without the guru, we may not even be given a yidam practice. Without the guru, we may not even benefit from the dharma. All points to the guru. We should see the guru as being one with the dharma protector and yidam.

If we do not understand and realize the significance and importance of the reliance on the guru, who is the dharma protector and yidam, our spiritual journey may be much more difficult on the down trodden path to liberation. Guru devotion is pivotal. If we do not follow the guru's advice and instruction then we are on the wrong path and that may prove to be dangerous for us. If anyone else aside from my guru were to tell me to stop practicing Dorje Shugden, I would just walk away from that person but not from my guru's advice and instruction.

As long as we keep our samaya vow well, protector will take care of us and it is good to add on a small portion of Dharma protector in our Daily HYT Sadhanna, whom we have faith and wish to connect with.

I have also agreed on the same view not to lose touch on The Guru and Yidam and over emphasis on the Protector, which many fall for temptation to over rely on protector.


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Re: The Way to Rely Upon Dorje Shugden
« Reply #9 on: May 30, 2012, 01:37:06 PM »
Dorje Shugden is a very unique Dharma protector as he can also take on the role of the Yidam at the same time, while complementing the Lama in totality and in all the ways. The other only Dharma protector that can assume this role is Achi Chokyi Drolma of the Drikung Kagyus which is why this practice, angle and attitude is not unique to Dorje Shugden alone.

The best way to properly reply on Dorje Shugden, as taught by my dear Guru is to study the Lamrim and apply it, have excellent Guru devotion and keep our samaya clean as well as having a motivation to benefit others all at the same time. That way, Dorje Shugden will be close to us like our shadow is to our body. We should not rely on Dorje Shugden as if we are relying on some worldly deity.

Dorje Shugden can help people in various ways and from many different levels depending on our motivation. He can grant us even the achievement of Bodhicitta and full enlightenment, that is if that is our main motivation to propitiate him although he can be requested to help us clear all our temporal problems but if we focus on that only it would be a complete waste of time.

To rely on Dorje Shugden is to create the causes to enable him to reach out to us and the way to do it is to do his sadhana coupled by keeping our samaya and us holding the vows. If we do his prayers without doing those two things, then Dorje Shugden will be unable to assist us all the same. Bottom line, the more important thing on relying on Dorje Shugden is to do our own Dharma practices, and then he will clear our obstacles.


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Re: The Way to Rely Upon Dorje Shugden
« Reply #10 on: May 31, 2012, 05:28:18 AM »
Clarify me if I maybe wrong about this? By tradition, one should have other tutelary Highest Yoga Tantra deity empowerment before having a protector empowerment as Yidam? For example, those who have Vaishravana empowerment will have Vajrapani empowerment first round before tagging with Vaishravana empowerment.

You are right about keeping samaya. I was told that if we do not keep our samaya vows well, when we call upon protector for help, they will "stare" fiercely at us. Hence for those having HYT samaya, if they do not safeguard them well, they will have a lot of troubles in  their daily lives.


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Re: The Way to Rely Upon Dorje Shugden
« Reply #11 on: May 31, 2012, 06:20:07 PM »
Clarify me if I maybe wrong about this? By tradition, one should have other tutelary Highest Yoga Tantra deity empowerment before having a protector empowerment as Yidam? For example, those who have Vaishravana empowerment will have Vajrapani empowerment first round before tagging with Vaishravana empowerment.

You are right about keeping samaya. I was told that if we do not keep our samaya vows well, when we call upon protector for help, they will "stare" fiercely at us. Hence for those having HYT samaya, if they do not safeguard them well, they will have a lot of troubles in  their daily lives.

For some higher level protectors or HYT specific protectors such as Mahakala, Chitipati, Vajravega, initiation is required before one can practice them or even recite their mantra. However there are Dharma protectors who does not have those requirements before we can do their practices. Dorje Shugden is one of them as he is enlightened and his energy is closer to our level.

The reason why empowerments are needed before taking Dharma protector practice is so that it is a safeguard against people doing Dharma protector practice for the wrong reasons as Dharma protector practice is meant to clear obstacles with relations to Buddhist practice rather than to clear obstacles to our daily lives. To "use" more powerful Dharma protectors for worldly reasons is not so nice in this sense, which is why an empowerment is needed beforehand. I came to this conclusion by rationalization.

for those with HYT, it is very important that they keep their words of honor to their teacher and to their Yidam to do their practices everyday and attend tsog every 15 days because if they dont they will not gain any attainments from their Dharma practice and it may also be a cause for them to lead them to the 3 lower realms as it is illogical that people who hurt others by breaking promises can attain better states.

The protector can help, but if we do their prayers, there is a line that says "Kill and grind to dust those with broken commitments..." then why are even asking the protector for help when we are the very people that his purpose is to destroy? So it is actually aimed to help remind us that we need to keep our promises and word of honor to our teachers or else there really is no need for us to pray to the Dharma protector.


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Re: The Way to Rely Upon Dorje Shugden
« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2012, 04:38:39 PM »
In thought.... This would be in my opinion, remembering the kindness and help we have received from our Guru = Dorje Shugden. To constantly watch our minds and whenever we are in doubt we should bring our minds back to remembering our Guru and Dorje Shugden's kindness. Why I say Guru is because without the Guru passing or introducing us to Dorje Shugden... we would not even know about Dorje Shugden. Hence when a negative thought arises, we should remember their kindness and show gratitude. Gradually when we keep on conquering our inner demons... these doubts will slowly diminish and hence our actions will speak louder then words that we have transformed.

In deeds: Well would the actions we do that focuses out instead of in. We become more caring, more considerate, more open and helpful towards others. Our goal and actions will be to make others happy or to help others on the spiritual path.

And as literally as it says we will focus more on others.."protect others by helping them to eliminate their obstacles and develop wisdom"  : Helping others see their problem and helping them by giving them the correct antidote = Dharma.

"to find the right conditions for practicing Dharma, to fulfil their wishes, and to meet with success in their daily lives" : To help a practitioner to have the right conditions so they can practice the Dharma and to give them support in whatever way we can so that they can practice Dharma. 


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Re: The Way to Rely Upon Dorje Shugden
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2012, 12:20:46 PM »
In thought.... This would be in my opinion, remembering the kindness and help we have received from our Guru = Dorje Shugden. To constantly watch our minds and whenever we are in doubt we should bring our minds back to remembering our Guru and Dorje Shugden's kindness. Why I say Guru is because without the Guru passing or introducing us to Dorje Shugden... we would not even know about Dorje Shugden. Hence when a negative thought arises, we should remember their kindness and show gratitude. Gradually when we keep on conquering our inner demons... these doubts will slowly diminish and hence our actions will speak louder then words that we have transformed.

In deeds: Well would the actions we do that focuses out instead of in. We become more caring, more considerate, more open and helpful towards others. Our goal and actions will be to make others happy or to help others on the spiritual path.

And as literally as it says we will focus more on others.."protect others by helping them to eliminate their obstacles and develop wisdom"  : Helping others see their problem and helping them by giving them the correct antidote = Dharma.

"to find the right conditions for practicing Dharma, to fulfil their wishes, and to meet with success in their daily lives" : To help a practitioner to have the right conditions so they can practice the Dharma and to give them support in whatever way we can so that they can practice Dharma.

In my opinion and experience, the Guru and the Dharma protector are one and the same. Whatever the Guru wants or wills it, the Dharma protector will surely carry it out. In essence, the Guru commands the Dharma protector and orders him around to do things, with means that the Guru is always more superior than the Dharma protector. It cannot be that we have faith in the Dharma protector but not in the Guru.

in addition to remembering the Guru's kindness, to get the protector's help we need to have clean samaya as well as the correct motivation on to why do we need a Dharma protector. Certainly, we do not need the Dharma protector to grant us trivial things, or else we are indeed bringing him down to the level of a spirit. We should request only for our Dharma obstacles to clear.

If we only request for his help but not do our part of the bargain such as study, practice and contemplate, there is no way that the Dharma protector can help us or that his help will be very minimal. Then we shouldnt even be requesting for his help because nobody can help us unless we put effort into improving ourselves and also dedicate at least some amount of time for Dharma practice.

Devoting ourselves to our protector in the right way is very important because it will create misunderstandings and wrong perceptions in both ourselves and others if we do not do it correctly, which in turn becomes more harmful than good. Ultimately, the Dharma protector exists to help clear our Dharma obstacles, and to help us with our spiritual progress.

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Re: The Way to Rely Upon Dorje Shugden
« Reply #14 on: January 23, 2015, 02:22:10 PM »
The way to rely upon Dorje Shugden is by thought and by deed.

By Thought: To me is to remember the compassion and care Dorje Shugden has for us to enable us to practice the doctrine of Lama Tsongkapa without obstacles.  Should obstacles arises in our practice, we must faith that Dorje Shugden will eliminate them so that we gain peace and harmony in our lives.

By Deed.  By conducting our daily awakening hours to have right thoughts to guide us to do virtuous acts throughout the day will repay the kindness of Dorje Shugden.  The most virtuous, will be to act in such manner that will attract people to worship of Dorje Shugden so that they will also benefit the blessings of DS.