Author Topic: Being Open Minded  (Read 19898 times)


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Re: Being Open Minded
« Reply #15 on: April 08, 2012, 08:00:30 AM »
What helps me staying in a state of openness is having faith in my guru. Guru giving advises and giving us instructions sometimes is beyond our comprehension at that time. Of course it is uneasy at first, but what is most important is having guru devotion, strong faith and believe that our guru is helping us and benefitting us in the long run not just this life but for future life well. Sometimes the teachings or instructions maybe beyond us and our capacity to understand but sometimes we need to be pushed to that extent to achieve certain realization or to realize our abilities and not further damaging ourself. Sometimes it is to avoid future negative experiences from happening by taking another route given by our guru however hard it is.


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Re: Being Open Minded
« Reply #16 on: April 14, 2012, 04:07:32 PM »
In general, i view that being open mind is when you are accept other and not criticize other who have different view or believing and accept for development, improving and changing..

For spiritual path, in order for us to being open mind, we must develope our faith, trust and devotion to one guru and follow all his instructions, no matter it might seem not logic or we disagree about it.. And we also must accept for the different ways/methods that the teacher use with us in order to train and tame our mind.



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Re: Being Open Minded
« Reply #17 on: April 15, 2012, 02:16:55 PM »
How many times have you met someone that is close minded. It is so frustrating! They don't listen to anything that you tell them, because they believe they are right 100% of the time. Many of my friends are like this, don't get me wrong, they are smart people, but they will often never listen to something that has to do with spirituality, or buddhism. Because of this they are losing out, on a huge wealth of knowledge.

Being open minded is easy, just think, that you can always gain something from what people say. Perhaps you could even reinforce your current view on an issue. Or because you are being open minded, you can learn the truth, then realize that being open minded, opens you up to so much more. Just think you are not always right, and people always know better. Listen, don't form judgements, don't say no. But think and contemplate, then you will realize so much more than you could have ever imagined.


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Re: Being Open Minded
« Reply #18 on: April 15, 2012, 03:08:15 PM »
Yes it may be frustrating to meet people who are closed minded. So it is up to us to use skilful means to deal with them. It is because of these people that we are able to practice patience. Closed minded people are very difficult to change as they are very set in their thinking and very stubborn. However, how much we can transform them is dependent on how far  we are willing to go with our practice.


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Re: Being Open Minded
« Reply #19 on: April 15, 2012, 03:45:34 PM »
Yes it may be frustrating to meet people who are closed minded. So it is up to us to use skilful means to deal with them. It is because of these people that we are able to practice patience. Closed minded people are very difficult to change as they are very set in their thinking and very stubborn. However, how much we can transform them is dependent on how far  we are willing to go with our practice.

Most importantly, patience and practice are the words that we have to seriously look into should we want to help and benefit someone other than ourselves.  We have to walk the talk and be the example for others to see the benefits of practising genuine spiritual essence.  Hence, one has to be open minded to every teachings, instructions and guidance given should one wishes to become a better person.  By reasoning its logical sense of every instructions and teachings by one's Guru who has higher and better wisdom than us, one would not go wrong in whatever faith one follows.  Why doubt a Guru and not open to him when we seek for help and guidance?  On another sense, why should one goes to a medical doctor/specialist for medication and prescriptions when we are sick?  If we doubt and start questioning with our closed mind how can we improve and become better?