Author Topic: about removing curses and gaining enlightment and power  (Read 6949 times)


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about removing curses and gaining enlightment and power
« on: June 09, 2011, 04:53:52 AM »
Let me start of by saying. I wish there was a mantra where one could recite it. and what it would do is incite thousands, or millions of  people to include the mantra chanter person who chanting the mantra in their personal daily prayers.. and in turn, by reciting the mantra were in their prayers as well.. so were helping eachother.

In the post removing black magic curses
 this was said.

For example if it is a lot of general talk, malicious talk or jealous talk towards you then a Sutra called Miga Tramdo can be recited by you or for you. That is especially for turning back the effects of speech from many that could hurt you. Speech can turn into something physical that interferes with you.

If it is a land god, or regional deity, then there's a short ritual you can do to make offerings to them as friend to friend in the Shugden Kangsol or lama chopa (tsok leftover) that can be extracted.

If you have offended a spirit, you may generate loving compassion or think good thoughts and apologize. Heart Sutra and refuge formula (Namo Guru Bey, Namo Buddhaya, Namo Dharmaya, Namo Sanghaya-no limit-one mala a day or more.) would be powerful antidotes if recited with deep conviction.

None of the recitations or rituals should be done with the intent to harm the land, god, ghost or whatever. It should be done with the altruistic wish for their liberation and planting seeds in the mindstream. Also to purify the karma you have to be able to recieve this type of harm at all.

For curses, spells or black magic that you are confirmed about, depending on the intensity the following pujas can be selected:

Sheningdodo (heart sutra WITH ritual)
Gyabshi (four hundred offerings)
Dukkar dondo
Protector Puja
Dukkar Se Sum (Dukkar, Singdogma and Heart Sutra recitation)
Receiving Vajra Yogini or Yamantaka Kakko (short ritual done by lama to block interferences)

The above are just some to name a few. Consult a lama. There are more, but I am giving general ones. They can be done in any Gelug Monastery.

I wonder where i can find these sutras like Miga Tramdo, and others TK is talking about.. I could use these..



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Re: about removing curses and gaining enlightment and power
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2011, 04:51:35 PM »
Hi DB, welcome, not seen you about these here parts before!

I'm not sure what Miga Tramdo and all that is, but I received one basic and very important piece of advice from my lama. He's always saying that when you have good samaya with your teacher and you hold your vows, do your practices etc, all you need is that.

The thing is, all our obstacles are self-created from our karma and when we've got good samaya, our teacher can protect us. Kind of like a doorway or open telephone line. And when we hold our vows, we purify the negative karma that can ripen into obstacles. Because ultimately, we can only be hurt when we have the karma to be hurt (which, incidentally is also why His Holiness the Dalai Lama cannot be hurt because as Chenrezig he lacks the karma to be hurt...but that's getting off the point)

Oh yeah and my lama also says that in cases like gossip and back-chat, the best way is to stop gossiping and back-chatting yourself. I'm not saying that you do that but karma baby, cause and has to come from somewhere ;)


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Re: about removing curses and gaining enlightment and power
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2011, 07:23:10 PM »
Yes, these rituals are very sacred and effective for clearing negativities and obstacles but they also cannot simply be done or recited by anyone without the proper training, visualisations, meditation and in some cases, you may also require initiation to do them.

Sometimes we can sponsor qualified sangha members to perform these pujas on our behalf, but even then it is usually by the recommendation of our Lama or through methods such as divination. We do not simply just prescribe pujas to ourselves!

Actually, if you rely on Dorje Shugden sincerely and practice sincerely, this is very powerful to protect you and purify negativities. What DharmaDefender said is very good - have strong samaya (a clean, good relationship with your teacher), and take refuge strongly, hold your refuge vows  well. This is the best protection there is because it protects you not just from immediate, outer negativities, but also protects / stops  you from doing more negative things that will create even more trouble /negative effects for you later. Dharma practice, when we do it sincerely, is the ultimate protection that we can create for ourselves.

It is not healthy to be completely and totally reliant on an outer deity to solve all our problems. The protectors like Dorje Shugden can certainly help us along the way, protect us and help to create conditions that will help us, but they cannot take away our problems completely. If they could, they would have done that already! We have our own karmas to answer to, which they Buddhas cannot just erase, so the best person to help us, is OURSELVES through our practice. This is the best way we can collect merit that will help us throughout our life and also to purify the karmas that keep causing us trouble!


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Re: about removing curses and gaining enlightment and power
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2011, 10:04:45 PM »
You all are right.. Thank you so much

But even if you dont start trouble.. Sometimes trouble comes to you if you are not careful.. where i live, people are bored and apathetic and very oppressed, and oppressed about life. No job market hardly around here, many small town factors.

But right now, i have the stomach flu.. So Ill get back to you all on this


Big Uncle

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Re: about removing curses and gaining enlightment and power
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2011, 04:25:59 AM »
All rituals mentioned by Tk are very long and complicated. Hence, if we need to engage in them, it would be better to contact the monasteries and sponsor the required pujas. On our own, it would be good to maintain a Protector practice on a daily basis. This daily building of the relationship would be very useful as it creates the cause for the Protector to assist us when we need him. It will also bring many blessings and resources for whatever we need to do. In other words, Dorje Shugden is probably the most powerful practice for us, people of distractions and little merit. In performing his practice, we gain merits and steered along our spiritual path.


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Re: about removing curses and gaining enlightment and power
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2011, 02:02:28 PM »
Actually, if you rely on Dorje Shugden sincerely and practice sincerely, this is very powerful to protect you and purify negativities. What DharmaDefender said is very good - have strong samaya (a clean, good relationship with your teacher), and take refuge strongly, hold your refuge vows  well. This is the best protection there is because it protects you not just from immediate, outer negativities, but also protects / stops  you from doing more negative things that will create even more trouble /negative effects for you later. Dharma practice, when we do it sincerely, is the ultimate protection that we can create for ourselves.

That's very true, also if we want Dorje Shugden to help us on our spiritual paths, a clean samaya with our Guru is necessary.

Trouble comes to us because we created the cause in the past, also we created the karma to be in that situation, i think we should study the dharma and keep our daily prayer to hold our mind and be strong. Samsara is always full of suffering, until we let go, accept the situation or else we will always be sad and moody.


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Re: about removing curses and gaining enlightment and power
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2011, 02:32:55 PM »
All rituals mentioned by Tk are very long and complicated. Hence, if we need to engage in them, it would be better to contact the monasteries and sponsor the required pujas. On our own, it would be good to maintain a Protector practice on a daily basis. This daily building of the relationship would be very useful as it creates the cause for the Protector to assist us when we need him. It will also bring many blessings and resources for whatever we need to do. In other words, Dorje Shugden is probably the most powerful practice for us, people of distractions and little merit. In performing his practice, we gain merits and steered along our spiritual path.

Dear Dharmabrother
Totally agrees with Big Uncle. Also, sponsoring pujas in monasteries can be done much quicker compared to learning all the different pujas and on top of that finding the right lama to teach. WIth that said, I do wish and pray that you will find the right source to learn these pujas.

my best wishes