Author Topic: What is stopping me from achieving the same results?  (Read 37876 times)


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What is stopping me from achieving the same results?
« on: February 17, 2011, 11:22:09 AM »
So we have all experienced negative and afflictive emotions. Day in and day out, we focus on doing everything we can to avert such experiences, perhaps by continuously looking for happiness by blasting our favorite track through our car stereo set on the way to work, and intoxicating ourselves when we get home, etc.,, etc

Yet, the very moment the experience end, we are back to feeling unsatisfied, empty,...without sense and purpose.

So goes the cycle...not knowing if we will have this precious life and endowments again to meet the Dharma and holy teachers.

Through the Buddha Dharma, we learn that we are the creators of all our experiences, and countless more potential experiences (karmic seeds) yet to be experienced....all of which will not be pleasant.

Scary? Yes! Very scary.

Is it said in the Lamrim that Arya Chudapanthaka gained attainments within 3 months of applying ONE teaching from Lord Buddha through engaging in purification practices.

Various incarnations of the Dalai Lama practiced the preparatory rites, wearing down their brooms from so much sweeping that there were no bristles left.

So what is stopping us from sincerely learning the Dharma and achieve results as so many Victorious Ones have done so?


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Re: What is stopping me from achieving the same results?
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2011, 04:12:09 PM »
Wonderful post and question, DS Friend.

What is stopping us?

No simple answer but it is a ceaseless accumulation of bad karma, lack of merits, wrong views, inner and outer obstacles from life to life, ignorance, and etc. All these combined and more would be enough to kill us off at any point in time.

Unlike the Victorious Ones - each of their lifetime have been dedicated wholly to Dharma and the pursuit of Attainments, Realizations and Enlightenments. They have reinforced everything they have learnt, retained them and made real efforts to come back with the memories of these attainments life after life.

Hence, the Victorious Ones are totally in control of their birth, rebirth and etc.

We can't even control our impatience, let alone anything else.

So, how can we change the course of our seemingly samsaric bound life after life?

We make a real commitment to do things differently from here on, NOW.

We start by creating new habits, new causes for us to be able to meet our Guru and the Dharma again - life after life.

We may not gain much realizations in this one lifetime, but we definitely will make real progress that will become the basis for our next life to be much better. And build further from there, from one life to the next.

If we are truly dedicated and diligent, who knows, we might be the lucky few to gain attainments in one single lifetime.

Anything is possible. Nothing is set in stone. We can change our destiny, if we put in the right methods and dedication.



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Re: What is stopping me from achieving the same results?
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2011, 09:16:49 AM »
So what is stopping me from achieving Enlightenment? I agree with Helena that we have very thick layers of accumulations of negativities that have obscured our mindstream. Mind you, these have come from innumerable lifetimes before this present one. So deeply entrenched are these negative habituations that we will need a tremendous amount of real purification and accumulation of merits to even to begin to see a little light in this sea of darkness and find our way out.

We have also inherited, from our innumerable previous lifetimes, very grossly distorted misconceptions, perceptions and projections of the self that is “I” and of people and phenomena around us. These delusory perceptions and projections lead to our deeply entrenched mental afflictions through which we think, speak and act. Our misery and suffering stem from all these. Through these, we collect further negative karma. 

But then, we have the Buddha nature and we have the eighteen opportune conditions in this precious human rebirth. We have found the Dharma and I am very fortunate to have found a highly realized Holy Being as a Spiritual Guide.

How then do we begin this Dharma journey out of darkness into the light of Liberation and Enlightenment. For me, the first step is to commit myself to putting into practice all that my Spiritual Guide has taught me , sincerely and steadfastly. This is because his teachings unmistakably show the Path to Liberation and Enlightenment. I know that I have wavered and faltered, but I have picked myself up and I will continue and persevere. I must also endeavor to continuously purify and accumulate merits in all the ways I have been taught.

Very recently, I have begun to put into practice(very slowly with fits and starts) what I am learning about being mindful in an open-hearted and compassionate way(through awareness of interdependent arising), from books on mindfulness, by Thich Nhat Hanh, especially the gloriously lovely book ‘Peace Is Every Step’. This new learning experience has been fraught with much struggle with my monkey mind. But I’m determined to take a step at a time and not give up.

So I may not achieve Enlightenment within this lifetime, but I do so want to achieve control of my unruly mind and be set on the highway to Peace. May I always know and remind myself ( as my Spiritual Guide has taught me) that all my endeavors will come to naught if my mind keeps focusing on egocentricity, whether grossly or subtly.


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Re: What is stopping me from achieving the same results?
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2011, 09:30:29 AM »
I also wish to add that we need,particularly, the help of Dharmapala Dorje Shugden, Wisdom Protector of Je Tsongkhapa's teachings, to move forward in our Dharma path, by his clearing our obstacles -  inner, outer and secret.
Only with his help can we overcome ultimately these obstacles that prevent us from moving definitely from the darkness of ignorance and delusions into the light of knowing and wisdom and onwards and upwards.


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Re: What is stopping me from achieving the same results?
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2011, 05:57:09 PM »
It is possible though, to achieve liberation in this very lifetime... but if that is to be, than there will need to be leaps and bounds of progress in virtues, and tremendous lessening of delusions.

The path is not an easy one, due to our own creation,...therefore, all who come in contact with Dorje Shugden and to be able to receive his practice and protection is very rare.

It is said that Dorje Shugden will be with us UNTIL we achieve our goal of developing Bodhichitta.


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Re: What is stopping me from achieving the same results?
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2011, 02:21:07 AM »
My first step was to pick up a Dharma book.
The next step was to internalise what I read.
Then to try to put what I read into practice.
Then found a brick wall with my own understanding.
Then I found the lamrim.

I have yet to find a lama, but I feel I am getting somewhere with practice.
I know its necessary to have a guide, a navigator in samsara.
But for now I have none.

I found out throught this site that I can practice Dorje Shugden without a teacher,
So for now I put my practice in His Hands


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Re: What is stopping me from achieving the same results?
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2011, 01:00:00 PM »
My first step was to pick up a Dharma book.
The next step was to internalise what I read.
Then to try to put what I read into practice.
Then found a brick wall with my own understanding.
Then I found the lamrim.

I have yet to find a lama, but I feel I am getting somewhere with practice.
I know its necessary to have a guide, a navigator in samsara.
But for now I have none.

I found out throught this site that I can practice Dorje Shugden without a teacher,
So for now I put my practice in His Hands

Dear Roberto
I am happy that you somehow is connected to Dorje Shugden and your faith in him is strong, even without a teacher. I rejoice very much for you. I am confident Dorje Shugden will lead you to your Guru to continue in the path of Dharma.

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Re: What is stopping me from achieving the same results?
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2011, 04:20:02 PM »
Hmmm, there is so much out there and within our own minds that is stopping us. Ultimately, it is our own search, conclusion and application that can put an end to the never-ending search. In Dharma, we look into our mind for answers. However, our minds are deceptive, hence we check with the teachings and with the advice of our Gurus. On top of that, we have never-ending obstacles self-created by our Karma so we have to purify and Dorje Shugden is very helpful in clearing obstacles like someone had already mentioned. I think for most of us with little devotion and merit, Dorje Shugden is literally a life-saver.


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Re: What is stopping me from achieving the same results?
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2011, 04:57:25 PM »
I completely agree with you, Big Uncle!

Our minds can deceive us and even hide the truth from us.

I cannot imagine what will happen to me if I didn't meet my Guru and be given this precious Protector Practice.

While in samsara, with our own baggage of karma and issues - we need a powerful Protector to help us stay on the path.

Simply put, we need all the help we can get.

Some days, we do very well. Other days, we may fall back a couple of steps.

But as long as we are determined, we will always be going forward. Because Dorje Shugden will help us get up and get moving.

But if we are already despondent and giving up, then no one can help us. Not even all the Buddhas in the universe combined.

A closed mind is a dead end. No one can get in or get out.


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Re: What is stopping me from achieving the same results?
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2011, 07:33:17 PM »

Very recently, I have begun to put into practice(very slowly with fits and starts) what I am learning about being mindful in an open-hearted and compassionate way(through awareness of interdependent arising), from books on mindfulness, by Thich Nhat Hanh, especially the gloriously lovely book ‘Peace Is Every Step’. This new learning experience has been fraught with much struggle with my monkey mind. But I’m determined to take a step at a time and not give up.

I was just thinking what's the next book I should read! Well, it shall be "Peace is Every Step" then :)

hope rainbow

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Re: What is stopping me from achieving the same results?
« Reply #10 on: June 06, 2011, 07:24:28 PM »
" What is stopping me from achieving the same results? "

Maybe not "what?" but "who?" : ME


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Re: What is stopping me from achieving the same results?
« Reply #11 on: June 07, 2011, 03:56:05 PM »
So what's stopping me from learning the dharma and achieving  the results? Not enough merits, not wanting to put in more effort  due to  laziness, lifetimes and lifetimes of habituation of not wanting to transform etc etc. So now I seek Dorje Shugden's help to please guide me and help me clear away my inner and outer obstacles. I may not be able to achieve the results in this lifetime, but it is better to start now than not at all. The journey may be difficult but with faith in Dorje Shugden, it will not be impossible.


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Re: What is stopping me from achieving the same results?
« Reply #12 on: June 07, 2011, 04:50:45 PM »
Time flies...this topic was started back in February and now we are entering june, the second half of 2011!

One of the things I started to pay more attention to since posting up this topic, was to be more conscious in my daily actions. My thoughts and actions has got to be different if I was to have a change in my results.

I've since tried to be more aware of my thoughts to not dwell on negativities and letting them pull me down. I sure do have a long way to go but for now, I will continue to develop discipline in mindfulness meditations...

As for my actions, I'm determined to kickoff my laziness and substitute it with more wholesome activities such as studying and engaging in some charitable works.

This is starting to sound like a personal journal which I do not intend for it to be so,...just reflecting on where I am after 4 months of posting up this topic.

Thanks for all the sharing and wishing all of you success in your spiritual pursuits.


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Re: What is stopping me from achieving the same results?
« Reply #13 on: June 10, 2011, 03:51:15 AM »
I believe that for every different individual, there is a different approach or method to achieve the same enlightenment. For those of us with good merits to have a Guru for guidance is great. The Guru who embodies Buddha has the wisdom to guide us and point us to the right direction. For those who do not have the merits to be close to a Guru and is unable to receive guidance, is it possible for them to find enlightenment?? Can a person achieve enlightenment if they solely have faith in the Buddhas and pray diligently?? I cannot see how that it is possible without a Guru. I would not know where to start.

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Re: What is stopping me from achieving the same results?
« Reply #14 on: June 10, 2011, 10:55:52 AM »
What is stopping me from achieving the same results?

1. My fear. Fear of getting out of my comfort zone!
2. My resistance. Resistance to change and insecurity of the unknown!
3. My stubbornness. Stubbornness to accept criticism and accepting i could be wrong!

All three of my "reasons" are mere delusions but how does one come face to face with one's greatest enemy... oneself? What helps me I find is the reliance of my kind guru who I have put my faith on and that I trust has only y best interest at heart. Of course it is easier said than done as I still apply the same three delusions even on my guru! However, I do watch myself and i know I need to just "fall" and trust he will catch me.