Author Topic: Dalai Lama Urging the World Parliament to Solve Religious Conflicts  (Read 14263 times)


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Re: Dalai Lama Urging the World Parliament to Solve Religious Conflicts
« Reply #15 on: May 30, 2015, 08:38:46 AM »
everytime I read news like this (HH Dalai Lama urges/encourages the world to solve religious conflicts/issues), it got me thinking: why everyone in the world receives compassion from HH Dalai Lama, but not Dorje Shugde practitioners? Why is Dorje Shugden so special that it requires a special kind of discrimination?

I am just very puzzled..


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Re: Dalai Lama Urging the World Parliament to Solve Religious Conflicts
« Reply #16 on: June 11, 2015, 08:15:13 AM »
what religion conflicts that Dalai Lama talk about, the tibetan who resides in the exile community do not even have freedom to practice DS how can Dalai Lama ask others to resolve this religion conflicts in the first place he should resolve his own problem first , there is so much discrimination among the tibetan community in India this is not right for him to urge others to resolve their problem I think is very wrong.


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Re: Dalai Lama Urging the World Parliament to Solve Religious Conflicts
« Reply #17 on: June 15, 2015, 01:19:01 AM »
On the one hand, Tibetans are fighting to regain their home, their country, but on the other hand, they are separating amongst themselves. How can you unite and regain what was once yours but cause so much suffering and separation within your own, with this unjust ban? The karma, the cause and effect, does not gel. You want harmony, you want unity, you want what's yours, you want to regain freedom, you want justice, you want peace... but to get those things, collectively, as a whole nation, you got to embody it, practice it and give it, then it will result to you receiving those things. The very fact that because even the CTA themselves don't practise this, how can you gain it? How can you hurt and give no freedom to your very own practitioners because of this ban towards Dorje Shugden, and expect something opposite as a result. There's no way, because you will then indirectly say that there's no karma. So if you want to achieve something, your actions and practise should reflect the same.

I agreed. The karma has ripen and they cannot undo karma happened in the past.

What they can do now? If they don't want peace and unity then continue discriminate and living separately, but if they want harmony then start living in harmony today.


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Re: Dalai Lama Urging the World Parliament to Solve Religious Conflicts
« Reply #18 on: June 15, 2015, 05:06:51 AM »
what religion conflicts that Dalai Lama talk about, the tibetan who resides in the exile community do not even have freedom to practice DS how can Dalai Lama ask others to resolve this religion conflicts in the first place he should resolve his own problem first , there is so much discrimination among the tibetan community in India this is not right for him to urge others to resolve their problem I think is very wrong.

Kelly, you are right in that the religious freedom of the Tibetan in exile is curbed as far as the practice of Shugden is concerned. The Dalai Lama and especially Shugden practitioners do have 2 monasteries ie Shar Gaden and Serpom that are practicing Shugden and the primary reason there split from Gaden Shartse and Sera Monasteries is because of the practice. Pertinently, it is about devotion to the Guru as the practice has been passed on from the Lineage Gurus.

Having said that there is no total freedom compare to say a Tibetan Christians or Muslims who can practice their respective religion without fear or reprisal as with the Shugdenpas. So there is no freedom in that sense for Shugdenpas. What is the worst and powerful is not the "official ban" which exist; but the cultural ban that affects families, friends and communities because these affects pervasively 24/7.

Hence, there need not be an official lifting of the ban, but just a sentence from the Dalai Lama will suffice in alleviating the sufferings. The Dalai Lama can say He allows Shugden practice for example but put caveat on sectarianism which He claimed is His greatest concern. That would be fine for the Shugdenpas as the practice while emphasizing purity has never discriminated other schools of Buddhism.

All in all we need to study the Dharma well to have a better understanding of the issues at hand and somehow have better wisdom to alleviate the sufferings of those we come into contact and the world at large. In that way we thread the path of Dharma.


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Re: Dalai Lama Urging the World Parliament to Solve Religious Conflicts
« Reply #19 on: October 04, 2015, 01:24:23 PM »
Why does he speak out to people about these kind of issues when he has some to deal with that he can handle himself and solve himself which is the DS issue and how there is no religious tolerance. I would say hypocracy but the Dalai Lama's DS issue has to be solved so at lease he is making an effort for peace. So let it be a start to him solving this problem of ours that needs to be answered to and not ignored anymore.


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Re: Dalai Lama Urging the World Parliament to Solve Religious Conflicts
« Reply #20 on: October 17, 2015, 02:29:55 PM »
In a recent interview by Christiane Amanpour at CNN on 7th October 2015, His Holiness was asked about the treatment of the Rohingyas in Myanmar. H.H. replied that the Buddha would have protected the Rohingyas and said that the Buddhists in Myanmar should follow the Buddha sincerely. I wish His Holiness would also urge his people to "think of the Buddha's face" (H.H.'s own words) and protect all Shugden followers.


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Re: Dalai Lama Urging the World Parliament to Solve Religious Conflicts
« Reply #21 on: October 18, 2015, 05:36:14 AM »
H.H. replied that the Buddha would have protected the Rohingyas

The evil puppet dalie, as usual, is just supporting Islamic terrorism against Buddhists, in Myanmar as in Sri Lanka, as commanded by his Western puppet-masters.

Indeed, Rohingya Muslim extremists are a well known branch of Al-Qaeda, and, just like it and the Islamic State, brazenly supported by Saudi Arabia and the US.

Therefore, every Buddhist should denounce the evil terrorist dalie, and break any spurious “samaya” with the monstrous non-Buddhist, or rather anti-Buddhist entity.

[Rohingyas'] Military Expansions and connections with Taliban and Al-Qaeda (1988-2011)

The military camps of the Rohingya Solidarity Organization (RSO) were located in the Cox's Bazaar district in southern Bangladesh. RSO possessed a large number of light machine-guns, AK-47 assault rifles, RPG-2 rocket launchers, claymore mines and explosives according to a field report conducted by a famous correspondent Bertil Lintner in 1991. Arakan Rohingya Islamic Front (ARIF) was mostly equipped with UK-made 9mm Sterling L2A3 sub-machine guns, M-16 assault rifles and point-303 rifles. Afghan's Taliban instructors were seen in some of the RSO camps along the Bangladesh-Burma border, while nearly 100 RSO rebels were reported to be undergoing training in the Afghan province of Khost with Hizb-e-Islami Mujahideen.

Among the more than 60 videotapes obtained by CNN from Al-Qaeda's archives in Afghanistan in August 2002, one video showed that Muslim allies from "Burma" got training in Afghanistan. Some video tapes were shot in RSO camps in Bangladesh. These videos which show the linkage between Al-Qaeda and Rohingya insurgents were shot in the 1990s. Besides, RSO recruited many Rohingya guerrillas. According to Asian intelligence sources, Rohingya recruits were paid 30,000 Bangladeshi taka ($525) on joining and then 10,000 taka ($175) per month. The families of recruits killed in action were offered 100,000 taka ($1,750).Which is quite substantial amount for those in poor region . Rohingya recruits, believed to be quite substantial in numbers, were taken to Pakistan, where they were trained and sent on further to military camps in Afghanistan. They were given the most dangerous tasks in the battlefield.

The expansion of the RSO in the late 1980s and early 1990s made the Burmese government to launch a massive counter-offensive to clear up the Burma-Bangladesh border. In December 1991, Burmese troops crossed the border and attacked a Bangladeshi military outpost. The incident developed into a major crisis in Bangladesh-Burma relations, and by April 1992, more than 250,000 Rohingya civilians had been forced out of Arakan, western Burma. During these happenings in April 1992, Prince Khaled Sultan Abdul Aziz, commander of the Saudi Arabian Military, visited Dhaka and recommended to wage a military action against Burma like Operation Desert Storm in Iraq.

Rohingya Militants

In April 1994, about 120 members of RSO militant group entered Maungdaw Township by crossing the Naf River which marks the border between Bangladesh and Burma. On 28 April 1994, nine out of 12 time bombs planted in 12 different places in Maungdaw by RSO militants exploded. One fire engine and some buildings were damaged, while four civilians were seriously wounded in the explosions.

On 28 October 1998, Rohingya Solidarity Organization (RSO) and Arakan Rohingya Islamic Front (ARIF) combined together and the Rohingya National Council (RNC) was founded. The Rohingya National Army (RNA) was also established as its armed wing; and, the Arakan Rohingya National Organization (ARNO) appeared to organize all the different Rohingya insurgents into one group.

According to US Embassy Cables revealed by Wikileaks, the alleged meeting of ARNO members and Al-Qaeda representatives is reported as follows:

“Five members (names still under inquiry by the GOB) of ARNO attended a high-ranking officers' course with Al Qaeda representatives on 15 May 2000 and arrived back in Bangladesh on 22 June. During the course, they discussed matters relating to political and military affairs, arms and ammunition, and financing with Osama Bin Laden. Mohamed Arju Taida and Mohamed Rau-Sheik Ar-Mar Darsi from the Taliban were present with them at the meeting.  Ninety members of ARNO were selected to attend a guerrilla warfare course, a variety of explosives courses and heavy-weapons courses held in Libya and Afghanistan in August, 2001. Thirteen out of these selected members participated in the explosives and heavy-weapons training.   ”

As Wikileaks noted, there was also connection between Talibans and ARNO Rohingya militants:

“Arrival of Two Talibans at ARNO Headquarters:

Al Ha-Saud and Al Ja-hid, two members of Taliban group, arrived at ARNO's headquarters in Zai-La-Saw-Ri Camp on 2 November 2001 from the Rohingya Solidarity Organization's (RSO) Kann-Grat-Chaung camp. They met with Nur Islam (Chairman), ZaFaur-Ahmed (Secretary) and Fayos Ahmed (acting Chief-of-Staff Army), ARNO, and discussed the reorganization of RSO and ARNO. It was learned that ARNO/RSO and Taliban groups planned to hold a meeting on 15 November 2001. Nurul Islam, Chairman of ARNO, also declared that the Arakan Rohingya Islamic Front (ARIF) and the Rohingya Solidarity Organization (RSO) had agreed to reorganize as integrated members of ARNO. However, Mullah Dil-Mar from RSO did not agree with this re-organization and resigned with his entourage of insurgents.”

In March 2011, between 80 to 100 Rohingya Muslim men in Maungdaw Township of Burma-Bangladesh border were arrested by Burma Frontier Forces accusing them of belonging to a terrorist ring linked to the Taliban. According to the source, a Taliban militant known as Moulivi Harun had given the group training in combat and bomb making deep in the jungles of northern Maungdaw on the Bangladesh border in February, 2011. Among the suspected people allegedly linked to Talibans, 19 people were brought before the court in March and April, 2011.[24] Twelve of the 19 suspects in associating with the Taliban and other Islamic militant groups were sentenced to various jail terms on 6 September 2011.


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Re: Dalai Lama Urging the World Parliament to Solve Religious Conflicts
« Reply #22 on: November 11, 2015, 02:57:24 AM »
Holy smolly! Matibhadra, you sure know where to get your information. Most of us would have missed that piece of info. It's scary. This is worse than the guerilla warfare of Vietnam. If these Rohinyas are assimilated into the different countries under refugee status, what is going to happen in later years when the sleepers are recalled? Leaving religion aside, how do we deal with this horror?

What is the Dalai Lama doing? Does he know what's behind the scene, as they call it?


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Re: Dalai Lama Urging the World Parliament to Solve Religious Conflicts
« Reply #23 on: November 16, 2015, 04:23:26 AM »
Most of us would have missed that piece of info.

Such is the power of Western media's mass brainwashing.

It's scary. This is worse than the guerilla warfare of Vietnam.

Actually the guerrilla warfare of Vietnam was something very good. Thanks to it Vietnamese people managed to protect their country against US genocidal terrorism.

If these Rohinyas are assimilated into the different countries under refugee status, what is going to happen in later years when the sleepers are recalled?

Like cancer cells, Islam spreads in many ways and everywhere. In this degenerate age many people, not only Rohingyas, are simply attracted to Islam's message of violence. You wrote your message just two days before the Paris attacks, which are kind of answer to you question.

Leaving religion aside, how do we deal with this horror?

Understanding its sources, and denouncing them. For instance, US and Israel have brazenly and for decades supported Wahhabite terrorism, which includes al-Qaeda and Islamic State, while trying to convince the world that they are “fighting” terrorism.

What is the Dalai Lama doing?

Just performing his role as a puppet, as ascribed to him by his puppet masters.

Does he know what's behind the scene, as they call it?

Of course he knows. He is part of the mafia behind the scene, although just as a minor puppet. That's why he is called the evil dalie.

christine V

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Re: Dalai Lama Urging the World Parliament to Solve Religious Conflicts
« Reply #24 on: November 16, 2015, 07:06:08 PM »
How about, resolve the inner issues, set up own people. - Lift the Dorje Shugden ban. Which is not necessary and entirely have hurt their Tibetan people, who are in refugee status. The people who have been ban, is the refugees amongst the refugees. What kind of human rights they have? Who will speak for them?


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Re: Dalai Lama Urging the World Parliament to Solve Religious Conflicts
« Reply #25 on: November 16, 2015, 10:12:27 PM »
Lift the Dorje Shugden ban. Which is not necessary

Not necessary to you, who are not interested in destroying the pure tradition of Je Tsongkhapa. However, to the likes of the evil dalie and his minions and accomplices and puppet-masters, this ban is perceived as highly necessary. And why? Just because the pure tradition of Je Tsongkhapa, faithful as it is to the Buddha's teachings, is founded on strict logic rather than on dogma and superstition and convenience, and therefore impervious to politicizing, Nyignmaizing, Rimeizing, Judaizing, Western colonializing, and other degenerating “-izing” influences.