Author Topic: Monastery with Bulletproof Rooms Gets Set for Opening  (Read 4000 times)


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Monastery with Bulletproof Rooms Gets Set for Opening
« on: March 31, 2015, 09:47:08 AM »
I read this article with interest and wonder why the Monastery need Bulletproof Rooms.  Does any know the reason?

Hilary Wong

Monday, March 30, 2015

The HK$1.5 billion Tsz Shan Monastery in Tai Po will be opened free of charge to the public who wish to learn Buddhist teachings from April 15.
Built with sponsorship from tycoon Li Ka-shing, the 500,000-square-foot monastery features a 76-meter tall white statue of the Goddess of Mercy, or Guan Yin the world's tallest bronze statue of the goddess.

It also features a dormitory block with bulletproof windows and doors, and three rooms strong enough to withstand an explosion.

Monastery secretary general Walter Ngai Kai-shu said the bulletproof rooms were not specially built for Li.

"The rooms are not earmarked for any individuals," Ngai said, adding that important monks, such as the chief monk of Thailand, may be accommodated in the rooms when they visit.

He said Li has visited but not stayed. "Every time Li visits, he mainly asks if the living facilities are ready."

Ngai said the monastery was ready last December and many monks have lived there for a number of internal meetings and to conduct spiritual practice.

The entire monastery can accommodate 80 monks for long-term living.

There is an 18-meter tall Grand Buddha Hall, a Universal hall, a bell tower, learning commons, and a meditation path.

The Guan Yin statue has a wish- fulfilling pearl held in her right hand, which is believed to help people realize wishes and bring peace to them.

The Great Vow Hall has a smaller statue inside, which can lead people from hell into the pure land of Buddhism.


re is also a peepul tree given by a Sri Lankan president, which represents enlightenment in the Buddhist teaching.

More than 60 percent of the place is green space full of flora and woodland.

Ngai said the monastery intends to fulfill the spiritual needs of those living in contemporary society, and for the monastic community to practice Buddhism.

The monastery will be open Monday to Sunday from 9.30am to 5pm, but visitors need to register online or by calling 2123-8666 seven to 30 days before they visit. Non-profit making organizations can download application forms for group visits on the website.

Ngai said those who visit should not bring joss sticks, meat, alcohol or other offerings so as not to harm the environment, as they will provide water.

"There are many other ways to offer the Buddha apart from joss sticks."

Tourists will not be allowed so as not to disturb the tranquility and the daily rituals of the monks.

"The water will be eventually used to water the flowers and trees in the monastery," Ngai said.

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: Monastery with Bulletproof Rooms Gets Set for Opening
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2015, 07:57:06 AM »
Thank you Icy for this post.  Very interesting question.

I think that should a High and renowned Shugden Lama is to stay at Tsz Shan Monastery, don't you think it is a lot safer in a Bullet Proof Room?

With the violent conduct of the anti Shugden followers of the Dalai Lama, such High Shugden Lamas will need protection.

Imagine HH Trijang Rinpoche is at this temple, wouldn't we be glad that there such protection.