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Hello dear forum friends,
look at this momentous news that's just in about Trijang Rinpoche's recent teaching tour to Europe....! This news shakes up the Buddhist world, as Trijang Rinpoche begins to turn the wheel of Dharma again.

It is wonderful that there isn't only a beautiful article and many, many radiant photographs, but also three incredible videos of His Holiness' visit to Switzerland, Italy and Austria. There is so much to rejoice in!

See the full article here (including a whole range of beautiful pictures of the auspicious events):

Or you read it right here below (the three videos are also below)

Trijang Rinpoche Confers Initiation in Europe
All of us at are very happy and excited to share with you these momentous videos of H.H. Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche’s recent teaching tour in Europe. These are the first videos we have of the young Trijang Rinpoche beginning to turn the wheel of Dharma again, and are very happy to share the opportunity for all to rejoice in.

It is significant that in this lifetime, Trijang Rinpoche is beginning to turn the wheel of Dharma in a continent where Dharma is strongly taking root and flourishing. Emerging out of an old Tibet into a ‘new’ Europe, Dharma is now being practiced, upheld and propagated by a whole new dynamic generation of lamas and practitioners, free from the scrutiny of the Tibetan government and religious bans.

Other very eminent teachers of our tradition were also present at Trijang Rinpoche’s teachings, including great masters like H.E. Gangchen Rinpoche, H.E. Gonsar Rinpoche, H.E. Tenzin Rabgyä Rinpoche (Geshe Rabten’s incarnation), Gaden Jangtse Geshe Tsultrim, Geshe Thubten Trinley and Geshe Bunga. This tour not only marked Trijang Rinpoche’s ‘coming of teaching age’ but was also a grand confluence of the most prominent lamas in the world today, responsible for bringing the Dharma and our precious lineage to new practitioners across all continents.

From the videos, we can see that Trijang Rinpoche is continuing where he ‘left off’ in his previous incarnation, promoting, spreading and teaching the very same practices that he was well known for – Vajrayogini, Yamantaka and Dorje Shugden.

Trijang Rinpoche in Switzerland

HH Trijang Rinpoche visits Rabten Choeling, Switzerland (2012)

First, please share in the many auspicious blessings that Trijang Rinpoche shared with the world in the first video of his visit to Switzerland. Here, we can see that a long life puja (tenshug) was offered to Trijang Rinpoche, requesting him to live long and turn the wheel of Dharma.

Then, from 28.33 minutes onwards, Trijang Rinpoche performs a Dorje Shugden puja with other high eminent lamas.

This video also features the celebrations for Trijang Rinpoche’s 30th birthday and ends with a powerful and highly blessed Yamantaka initiation.

H.E. Gonsar Rinpoche who is the spiritual director of Rabten Choeling Monastery is a very erudite scholar, deep practitioner and has attained many meditative levels and higher states of consciousness. Gonsar Rinpoche comes from a long line of predecessors who are accomplished masters. He is extremely devoted to his root Gurus, Geshe Rabten and Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche.

When H.H. Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche resided in Gaden Shartse Monastery, he was issued many death threats from certain factions on the Dalai Lama’s side, which is unbelievable. Although the Dalai Lama was not pleased at all with the threats towards Trijang Rinpoche’s precious life, Trijang Rinpoche had to flee Gaden and stay in Switzerland. Gonsar Rinpoche and his students offered a safe haven for the young Trijang Rinpoche, providing him room, boarding and traditional education for many years. It is due to the devotion, hard work and kindness of Gonsar Rinpoche that Trijang Rinpoche is so strong and doing so well now. This should not be forgotten by any practitioners who consider Trijang Rinpoche their teacher.

We at are eternally indebted to this supreme incarnation manifesting as Gonsar Rinpoche who has done such a great service to Buddha’s doctrine and the tradition of Lama Tsongkhapa. We wish Gonsar Rinpoche our deepest good wishes and prayers for inviting Trijang Rinpoche in 2012 to turn the wheel of Dharma in his monastery again. It is indeed an historic visit, culminating in the reconnection of great beings who have clean and clear samaya with each other.

Trijang Rinpoche currently resides in his own beautiful Dharma center and is travelling the world now to spread the precious teachings of Lord Buddha. We rejoice, with tears flowing from our eyes and hands folded, at the young Trijang Rinpoche fulfilling the legacy of his highly realized predecessors.

May Trijang Rinpoche, Gonsar Rinpoche, Rabten Rinpoche, Gangchen Rinpoche, Geshe Thubten Trinley, Geshe Tsultrim, Geshe Bunga, Lama Michel and all great Dharma teachers in the world have tremendously long life, excellent health and supreme manifestations without end.

Trijang Rinpoche in Italy

HH Trijang Rinpoche visits Albagnano Healing Meditation Center, Italy (2012)

Hosted at Albagnano Healing Meditation Center (Gangchen Rinpoche’s magnificent Dharma center) in Italy, Trijang Rinpoche conferred a Yamantaka initiation to practitioners there.

As the former Trijang Rinpoche was Gangchen Rinpoche’s root guru, this visit by the young incarnation is especially auspicious for continuing the lineage to the next generation of practitioners. Gangchen Rinpoche is known for having students from all over Europe and around the world so the blessings from Trijang Rinpoche’s visit and teachings will continue to spread outwards from Albagnano, Italy to everywhere else.

Present at this blessed occasion were also H.E. Gongsar Rinpoche, Ven. Tenzin Rabgyä Rinpoche, and of course H.E. Gangchen Rinpoche and his closest disciple Lama Michel Rinpoche.

H.E. Gangchen Rinpoche also comes from a long line of highly accomplished practitioners and has originated from the Mahasiddha Darikapa. In Gangchen Rinpoche’s previous lives he was also the abbot of Tashi Lhunpo Monastery, having a tremendously close, affectionate and deep relationship with the line of Panchen Lamas. In fact, Gangchen Rinpoche’s personal monastery in Tibet is in Shigatse, very near Panchen Lama’s own Tashi Lhunpo monastery. For many incarnations, Panchen Lama and Gangchen Rinpoche have had close and intimate spiritual relationships which is continue to this day.

When Gangchen Rinpoche visited his personal monastery and Tashi Lhunpo Monastery in Shigatse, Tibet, tens of thousands of people came to receive blessings from him. It took three full days for Gangchen Rinpoche to place his hands on the heads of each single blessing seeker.

Gangchen Rinpoche is well known for being a master of the Kalachakra tantra and his closeness to the mystical land of Shambhala. Gangchen Rinpoche has taken rebirth, and resided and presided in Shambhala many times. In this incarnation too, Gangchen Rinpoche is able to travel to Shambala with his mind as easily as it is for us to book a ticket to any destination in the world. Gangchen Rinpoche is also famous for being very close to various enlightened female energies called dakinis who often speak to him, sing tantric songs of emptiness to him and also offer certain teachings.

Gangchen Rinpoche is also a master of the Yamantaka, Guhyasamaja, Heruka and Vajrayogini tantras and has fully accomplished the Medicine Buddha practice, where he has become one with the Medicine Buddha. Gangchen Rinpoche creates blessing pills and blessed water that are world famous for healing the most stubborn of problems, afflictions and diseases. Many people who have had cancer have been healed by Gangchen Rinpoche, combined with the use of traditional western medicine. In the Tibetan tradition, it is believed that to see, feel and visualise Gangchen Rinpoche or to be in his presence is equal to being in the presence of Medicine Buddha himself. Gangchen Rinpoche is well known the world over for his incredible healing abilities and, from time to time, for the show of open, Mahasiddha, miraculous powers.

Gangchen Rinpoche has a huge and lovely residence in Nepal, which was built upon a land that was dry and without any water source. Upon Gangchen Rinpoche’s arrival, he urinated on a spot upon this land and within a few days, from that very source, spring water sprung forth. To this day, many are still enjoying clean, clear, unlimited water from the place that Gangchen Rinpoche had blessed.

Wherever he travels, people often see rainbows or double rainbows appearing over his residence. He has travelled the world over from Asia, Indonesia, Eastern and Western Europe, South America and North America, planting peace naga wealth increasing vases in the land, in the forests, under the ground and in the oceans, appeasing a set of beings called nagas who could create potentially catastrophic dangers throughout our planet. On his own volition, Gangchen Rinpoche created these naga vases and planted them all around the world to appease these beings in order to bring about world peace. He travelled to 22 countries in one year to do this.

These are clear signs and indications of a highly realized Bodhisattva. Among his many Gurus, Gangchen Rinpoche considers Trijang Rinpoche his root Guru. You can see him respectfully escorting the young Trijang Rinpoche to his exalted center in Italy.

We at, prostrating to this Mahasiddha Gangchen Rinpoche, thank him so much for doing all the work he has done for decades and also, for creating the causes now for Trijang Rinpoche to turn the wheel of Dharma.

Trijang Rinpoche in Austria

HH Trijang Rinpoche visits Tashi Rabten, Austria (2012)

At Tashi Rabten Monastery in Austria, Trijang Rinpoche revived the legacy left behind by his previous incarnation by conferring a Vajrayogini initiation.

This monastery in Austria is a branch of Rabten Choeling Monastery. H.E. Gonsar Rinpoche is also the spiritual director here and has nurtured hundreds of students in this renowned institution of learning. H.H. Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche was invited here and he graciously, with much patience and care, conferred the highest yoga tantric deity Vajrayogini’s empowerment.

How fortunate for the students in Switzerland, Italy, and Austria to have been in the presence of so many attained masters; and also for being able to bathe in the fountain spring that has no beginning or end of Dharma.


« Last Edit: January 31, 2013, 06:16:13 PM by beggar »


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« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2013, 06:14:25 PM »
Dear Admin,

These are fantastic videos. I am amazed and blown away at the clarity of sound and pictures.

It brought tears to my eyes to see the young Trijang Rinpoche taken on his role as a great 21st Century master fully. It really shows all of us he is the unmistaken incarnation.

He also performing Dorje Shugden puja with other great lamas in Europe should send a message to Sera, Drepung, Ganden, Tashilunpo and CTA (ex-exiled Govt in Dharamsalah) there is no holding back of Dorje Shugden and we will not take the ban lying down. Nor will Dorje Shugden's practice be wiped off the face of this planet.
Trijang Rinpoche is not being defiant here, but carrying on a lineage he knows will benefit many as it has in the past.

I will share these videos with many friends.



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« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2013, 06:59:09 PM »
This article is truly amazing - I have been looking everywhere for news about this event but haven't seen anything online at all, aside from Rabten Choeling's website and then suddenly, it's like Christmas to see these lovely photos and videos on here! All i can say is thank you so much because this really brings so much hope for someone like me to see videos of HH Trijang Rinpoche teaching again in this incarnation, surrounded by these great lamas like HE Gangchen Rinpoche, HE Gonsar Rinpoche, Ven Rabgya Rinpoche and so many more. These lamas are so humble and gentle - i love their energy. And no, i don't think Trijang Rinpoche is being defiant at all. After all, HH Dalai Lama said that Trijang Rinpoche COULD practice!

I rejoice very much for this news! I can always rely on this website to share wonderful news and information always!

Thank you!
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2013, 07:07:10 PM »
Oh my gawwwdddddd... what great rejoicing news this is!!! I cannot believe you guys got this video here... admin you really rock!

Now with the coming of age, looks like Trijang Rinpoche is starting where He has left off and we are so fortunate to witness this amazing turning of Dharma as Trijang Rinpoche starts His legacy again.  With the current incarnation Trijang Rinpoche giving out initiations all over Europe... this is definitely a clear sign that Dorje Shugden lineage will spread and the pure teachings and lineage of the Lama Tsongkhapa will continue.

You know this all this stuff about if you practice Dorje Shugden you will go to the 3 lower realms... it dawn on to me that for those who is still stuck in this poisonous views will be the ones going to the 3 lower realms. I mean look let's be logical since we are suppose to be Gelugpas which we're taught to think and question with logic... does this look like someone who can make such a tragic mistake and go to the lower realms, obviously He is not and obviously He is spreading Dharma. Ironically as HHDL is seen retiring slowly from the world, the young incarnations of great master arises to take over in spreading Dharma. Something tells me a big explosion of reviving Lama Tsongkhapa's teaching are about to happened and no one can stop it.

May I have the merits to one day soon meet His Holiness Trijang Rinpoche and it would be such a huge honor and blessing to be able to even be in his present, let alone receive teachings!!!


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« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2013, 07:18:33 PM »
THANKS VERY MUCH ADMIN... This is a SUPER great news of early 2013... The current HH Kyabje Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche is 100% authentic reincarnation of the Previous Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang, HH Trijang Rinpoche is doing what he used to do in his previous life.
Previous Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang used to spread/teach all sort of lineage and highest tantric practices, of course which also included Dorje Shugden lineage. We can see HH Kyabje Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche together with other Gelug high lamas such as Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche, Kyabje Gonsar Rinpoche,  H.E. Tenzin Rabgyä Rinpoche are back together in public to spread the unbroken Gelug Lineage again.
Traditionally, in order to receive full Dorje Shugden initiation (Sogtae) one must receive Yamantaka initiation before hand, HH Trijang Rinpoche gave Yamantaka initiaiton in Switzerland 2012 can you imagine HH Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche is giving Dorje Shugden initiation 2013 in Switzerland or maybe the whole world ? Will this is the first step of HH Trijang choktrul Rinpoche is going back to Gaden and reunited Shartse or Shar Gaden ? Will this also mean that the ban is coming to an end ?

YES YES YES !!! It must be... Thanks again for bring us so good news...


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« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2013, 07:38:07 PM »
This truly is great news!!

What strikes me the most is how happy Trijang Rinpoche looks. I've noticed that lamas truly rejoice during events when the Dharma can spread to the mass, or if the lineage of the practice continues.

For example, during the official opening of a new monastery that can benefit thousands (and continue to future generations) or mass initiations

Trijang Rinpoche really is the poster boy for the Dorje Shugden practice resurgence. I remember feeling a little disappointed when I read on the front page of that Trijang Rinpoche was going to lay low and not take sides on the ban, in a radio interview.

I truly rejoice that there is a strong, credible "face" for the resurgence of the Dorje Shugden practice - and I do hope that many other Shugdenpas will find hope in this.

When the Chinese invaded Tibet, Dharma came out of the country and was able to spread all around the world. Perhaps with the ban, the Dorje Shugden practice was "forced" out of the country and is now being proliferated all around the world: Mongolia, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, United Kingdom... even Zululand in Africa!!

What's incredibly exciting is how all of the greats are converging for Dorje Shugden... H.E. Gangchen Rinpoche, H.E. Gonsar Rinpoche, H.E. Tenzin Rabgyä Rinpoche (Geshe Rabten’s incarnation), Gaden Jangtse Geshe Tsultrim, Geshe Thubten Trinley and Geshe Bunga! How lucky for all those who were able to attend those three events!!

May all those still practicing Dorje Shugden secretly have the courage to come out and openly practice :)


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« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2013, 08:26:59 AM »
So much negative propaganda has been spread about Dorje Shugden practitioners over the years but now with the re-emergence of the young Trijang Rinpoche actively turning the wheel of Dharma, Shugden critics will be silenced. This is because the previous Trijang Rinpoche was so highly revered and his tremendous accomplishments were a fact no one could deny or dare to. Virtually all the high lamas today have Trijang Rinpoche as their guru either directly or indirectly and to criticize Trijang Rinpoche would be like criticizing Lama Atisha himself.

The CTA and anti-Shugden people have alleged that Dorje Shugden is against the Dharma and it is ironic that Trijang Rinpoche, perhaps the most well known Shugden practitioner is doing so much to spread the Dharma around the world and from the looks of it, there is no stopping him.

Just looking at Trijang Rinpoche together with the other high lamas such as Gangchen Rinpoche, Gonsar Rinpoche, Geshe Thubten Trinley and more, in the open and publicly practicing Dorje Shugden without even uttering a single word about the ban and CTA shows that the ban on the Protector practice is as good as dead.

May Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche live long and remain with us for the longest time so that many will come to benefit from his Dharma and also finally come to understand what a great and powerful Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden is, and how badly we need this enlightened being’s help in this day and age.


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« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2013, 09:55:02 AM »
He also performing Dorje Shugden puja with other great lamas in Europe should send a message to Sera, Drepung, Ganden, Tashilunpo and CTA (ex-exiled Govt in Dharamsalah) there is no holding back of Dorje Shugden and we will not take the ban lying down. Nor will Dorje Shugden's practice be wiped off the face of this planet.
Trijang Rinpoche is not being defiant here, but carrying on a lineage he knows will benefit many as it has in the past.

This is great what you have said.

Although I do think that it's quite ridiculous for anyone to think that they COULD wipe Dorje Shugden's practice (or ANY buddha's practice) off the face of this planet! And the people who are trying to wipe it off the planet live in a tiny little anthill, population 100,000 (if they're lucky -  many Tibetans are now leaving India now and migrating to everywhere else in the world).

It's not even like the Spanish Inquisition, or the time of the Holocaust, where the "powers-that-be" had the resources and influence to be able to wipe out entire races / religions. They had armies, and people to carry out their orders to the sad and terrible extent that it went to. The CTA have.... who? A couple of bored Tibetan youths who think that perhaps they might carry out directives by chucking a few bricks through windows and desecrating statues. Now very sophisticated tactics or policies, I'm sure you would agree.

They had better realise that it is the Shugden lamas now who have the "armies", the resources and the influence in the world. Combined, Dorje Shugden lamas, their students and practitioners far outnumber the CTA and their following, by tens of thousands. With news like this, it's quite clear that any restriction or ban on any practice isn't going to yield that desired result of curbing the practice. It's had quite the opposite effect.

So now, more than ever, wouldn't it behove the CTA to in fact extend friendship to these lamas? If only they could be friends they would instantly have a few tens of thousands more supporters. The Shugden lamas are the ones getting the followings, the emotional, mental, financial and Dharmic supoprt. They are the ones the world is listening to. And most importantly, they are the ones causing Dharma to really flourish in the world, just as we see the young Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche doing here in these videos.

I rejoice knowing that such a young lama is opening the doors to tremendous practice. He is young, energetic, brings with him countless lifetimes of attainments and strong practice, endorsed by the Dalai Lama himself and more than anything, the complete antidote to everything the CTA are doing to suppress the ban. There's just no stopping him now.

Are the CTA quivering in their pants yet? They'd better be.


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« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2013, 11:17:56 AM »
I am so grateful for this and I have sent this immediately to the assistants of my own dear Lama so that they can show him the video.

I heard from the assistants that my Lama sat pressed against the computer they set up for him and stared fixedly at the screen throughout the videos, his palms folded and his head bowed throughout. They sneaked a photo of him which was sent to some of us. I'm not privvy to show this photo but I just wanted the people of this website to know how hope you are bringing to lamas and simple lay practitioners around the world. This has meant so much more than just a young tulku coming out to teach. It is so much hope for the old lamas who have felt like their whole worlds were shattered when their beloved dharmapala was banned and when they were told that their teachers of the lineage were wrong and bad.

I know that for my teacher, seeing the video gives him hope that even after he is gone (as he is quite old now and I am so sorry to speak in this way), a new generation rises again to continue Trijang Rinpoche's works and teachings. For him, he sees again that his teachers were NOT wrong, but they have compassionately come back again to be a light for a world that had become very dark for a time.

On behalf of practitioners everywhere and all my fellow sangha who are students of my great lama, I thank you for all the hope you are giving to people, even in small corners of the world.

christine V

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« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2013, 03:52:27 PM »
Trijang Rinpoche have now openly practice Dorje Shugden. Begin from the west, Dorje Shugden practice will spread throughout the world. Rejoice on this good news.

The ban towards Dorje Shugden should not be continued. If Trijang Rinpoche was the only high Lama that was allowed by Dalai Lama to practice Dorje Shugden with the excuses that only Trijang Rinpoche able to subdue Dorje Shugden, then i think current Trijang Rinpoche with the wisdom and heart of compassion, and, believed to be the emanation of Vajra Yogini will not even wanted to make Dorje Shugden known to the world. But, from these videos , Trijang Rinpoche seem going to spread Dorje Shugden practices aggressively soon. So, why are we still suspect about Dorje Shugden when a high lama which is the root Guru to many other high lamas are spreading Dorje shugden teachings to the world. It does not make sence at all.


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« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2013, 04:39:59 PM »
The truth is finally out! Watching the videos made me tear as I am so happy to see His Holiness Trijang Rinpoche sitting on His throne doing pujas and giving initiations. This is what a high caliber Lama like Trijang Rinpoche is destined to do! To bring love and joy to everyone through his selfless acts.

I heard Trijang Rinpoche did not have a very nice childhood as he was a target of murder by those anti Dorje Shugden peeps. Well hey you guys! Trijang Rinpoche has just turned 30 years old and He is out there giving INITIATIONS and TEACHINGS!

I often hear people saying that if you practiced Dorje Shugden your incarnation can never come back but well..isn't Trijang Rinpoche a good proof of a Dorje Shugden Lama reincarnating? Don't be so shallow minded peeps!

I rejoice and hope His Holiness Trijang Rinpoche will continue to spread the Dharma to the entire world! May Dorje Shugden's lineage grow through Trijang Rinpoche!


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« Reply #11 on: February 03, 2013, 06:21:48 AM »
Watching that video brought tears to my eyes for some is so moving to see Trijang Rinpoche and hear him giving teachings in english and also the chanting that was done. It is just incredible on so many levels that he is teaching again and as a layperson! The only other Lama that taught as a layperson to monks was Serkong Dorjechang. I really pray that Taiwan will invite Trijang Rinpoche because there are many Dorje Shugden monasteries there that will benefit so much from the blessings of this great lineage master. Perhaps one day, Trijang Rinpoche would visit Shar Ganden and give his blessings there also...that would be wonderful.


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« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2013, 09:46:00 AM »
I am sure this is  huge ray of sunlight, shining brightly into the hearts of many, as it is mine! I read the article a few times, soaking it all up and basking in the refreshing information provided.

Dear Admin. Thank you for your kindness in continuously using this powerful tool of the internet to educate the thousands who frequents this site.

The effects of this information will create ripples throughout..that's for sure. H.H. Trijang Rinpoche, our unmistaken lineage lama teaching the dharma, conferring initiations of Yamantaka, Vajrayogini and Dorje Shugden sogtae is significant!We are very fortunate to have Trijang Rinpoche and the many compassionate lamas continue to give these initiations.

It is not possible and logical to say this bucket of water is good and the other is not when it comes from the same spring of well, does it? So it is not possible for us to say this initiation is good and that is not when they all come from the pure lineage holder Trijang Rinpoche. You may not doubt Trijang Rinpoche that he is the unmistaken why doubt the practices he does and confers? If you believe HHDL is Avalokithesvara, then have you heard the latest bit of information of how he praises Trijang Rinpoche?

Tenzin Malgyur

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« Reply #13 on: February 03, 2013, 10:47:44 AM »
Thanks so much beggar for arranging all the wonderful videos and link to all those photographs for us here. When watching the video of the initiation, I wished so much I can be in a ceremony such as this too. Rejoice for all the people who was so fortunate to be able to be in the presence of such highly attained lamas. Hopefully more people would see the obvious fact that if the previous life of Trijang Rinpoche did a spirit practice as claimed, there is no way he is back here again among us to continue the work of his previous life. May Rinpoche remain here for a long time to spread the Dharma.

Big Uncle

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« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2013, 11:19:14 AM »
Thank you Dorje Shugden, these are beautiful videos that reveal Choktrul Trijang Rinpoche up front and personal. Like what many people have said here, we are truly blessed to be able to behold the golden face of the Tulku of Vajrayogini in the form of Kyabje Choktrul Trijang Rinpoche. The blessings are tremendous and we are living in exciting times ahead as the new generation of Lamas are trail-blazing the way for Dorje Shugden.

I feel that the years of seclusion by Kyabje Choktrul Trijang Rinpoche is now over and that it is his time to spread the lineage all over the world. I think we all have our parts to play to ensure that Dorje Shugden's good qualities are known all over and there's no better place to share it than the Internet. That's why I salute the work that this website has done for this movement. The ban may or may not come down but the work will be the same, which is to reveal the beneficial qualities of Dorje Shugden to the world. The Dalai Lama's ban has created the circumstances for many Buddhists and non-Buddhists to be aware of this Protector deity. So, it has become our role to educate people of who Dorje Shugden truly is.